Bodystar Fitness Client Reviews/Media

"I just had lunch with a friend who said "Wow Dan, you've really lost weight!" I said "I've been training 3x a week and have lost 35 lbs so far!" My training with Brian has really helped me look and feel a lot better!"
- Dan, Evanston Il
"After 10+ years of fitness training with Brian, it's still fun and interesting to do new exercises and workouts. The best part is that it's super-convenient and a major time-saver for me, I get a full body workout and move on with my day. I'd highly reccommnend Bodystar Fitness to anyone on the North Shore."
- M.A., Kenilworth Il
"Been training with Brian for about a year now. He is very encouraging and interesting to talk to. The time always goes by fast since we're chatting each others ears off. I only train twice a week and have already lost 45 pounds and gained a lot of muscle definition."
- Brian S., Wilmette Il
"The convenience of having Brian come to the house is GREAT - Now I can't avoid training! I train 3x a week and get a lot done every workout!"
Mary A., Kenilworth Il
"I recently retired and hired a trainer to focus on my health and fitness. I'm glad I did it - training sessions are challenging but fun. I'm feeling stronger and I have a lot more energy!"
- Mark, Northbrook Il

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